Everton AFC

Founded 1958

Everton AFC Boys & Girls Santa’s Grotto🎅

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It’s nearly time 🎅🧑‍🎄!

The most eagerly awaited day in the Academy Diary! This Saturday Everton Park gets turned into a winter wonderland as Santa Claus takes his place in Santa’s Grotto. 

As we have over 270 kids to get through we ask parents to where possible to please stick to the allocated times on the poster. 

We ask all parents to please tag the club on social media in any photographs taken 

We will also have new club hats available at €20 and also club academy kits available at €55, these can be paid for via cash or credit card.

Can we also ask parents to PLEASE return SuperDraw tickets SOLD either at any mid week training sessions or on Saturday at Santa Claus.

Looking forward to seeing all the boys & girls on Saturday 🎅🧑‍🎄


Eric Fitzgerald (Boys) & Sean Cotter (Girls)

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